Hello,<br><br>I'm trying to setup a video conferencing solution on an internal using Logitech 9000 pro webcams on the intranet. The following image depicts the setup,<br><a href="http://www.syskons.com/net1.jpeg">http://www.syskons.com/net1.jpeg</a><br>
<br>I'm a bit cloudy on the terms and here's my understanding,<br><br>VideoService (Required on all machines with a camera)<br>AudioService (Required on all machines with a mic)<br>VideoConsumerService (Required if receiving video feeds from other clients. This will be the AG Display server?)<br>
VideoProducerService (Required if feeding video to another server? Not required for clientS?)<br><br>Do I still need a certificate? Do I need the internet or create my own private personal venue server?<br><br>Any suggestions?<br>