#!/usr/bin/python import os, sys import ConfigParser from optparse import Option import agversion agversion.select(3) from AccessGrid.interfaces.VenueServer_client import VenueServerIW from AccessGrid.Venue import VenueIW from AccessGrid.Toolkit import CmdlineApplication app = CmdlineApplication() urlOption = Option("-u", "--url", dest="url", default=None, help="Specify a venue server url on the command line.") app.AddCmdLineOption(urlOption) args = app.Initialize() venueServerUrl = app.GetOption("url") venueServer = VenueServerIW(venueServerUrl) venues = venueServer.GetVenues() for venue in venues: theVenue = VenueIW(venue.uri) streams = theVenue.GetStreams() if len(streams) > 0: audioStream = None videoStream = None for stream in streams: for capability in stream.capability: if capability.type == "audio": audioStream = stream elif capability.type == "video": videoStream = stream if audioStream != None and videoStream != None: print(venue.name + "," + audioStream.location.host + "," + str(audioStream.location.port) + "," + videoStream.location.host + "," + str(videoStream.location.port))