[AG-TECH] Manage Certificates from VenueClient - Control Access

Christoph Willing c.willing at uq.edu.au
Sun Mar 14 17:49:12 CDT 2010

On 15/03/2010, at 2:31 AM, Jesus Cea Oliva wrote:
> Other question, exists some document about control access? I would  
> like to create venues and restrict access. I know that it can do  
> using Venue Manager, the Security tab in each Venue. But, I don't  
> know how add persons, I see a "Distinguish name", but, how I can  
> know the DN of a Participant? Is necesary that the participant enter  
> on a venue for restrict/permit the access?, or exists some solution  
> to restrict/permit a Participant without enter on a Venue?.

First of all, the user who will be given access must have an identity  
certificate. Then that user must supply the administrator (whoever is  
able to configure the venue server with VenueManagement tool) with the  
DN. The user can obtain the DN by using one of the following methods  
(maybe there are other methods too):

1. run CertificateManagement3.py tool, select the certificate to be  
used and press the "View Certificate" button on the right of the gui.  
A new window will appear with the details of the certificate, in  
particular the Subject line; send the details in that line to the  
venue server administrator.

2. run certmgr3.py in a shell and at the prompt it provides, type the  
command "list" (without quotes). This will display all the installed  
identity certificates' DNs. One of these is marked as the default -  
send it to the venue server administrator.


Christoph Willing                       +61 7 3365 8316
QCIF Access Grid Manager
University of Queensland

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