[AG-TECH] AG 3.1beta2 bridging

Christoph Willing willing at vislab.uq.edu.au
Sat Oct 27 22:10:17 CDT 2007

On 26/10/2007, at 10:44 PM, Keith Simmons wrote:

> Hello Nathan,
> I am having problems with bridging in AG 3.1beta2 on linux (Ubuntu  
> 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbon").  I am using the vislab debian packages.  When  
> vic starts via VideoConsumerService, the console gives the error:  
> "bind: Address already in use"
> I am not sure what is causing this.  Netstat shows that the port  
> vic is trying to use is not actively taken by anything else.


Could you provide some more info about how you're running things when  
this occurs. In particular:
1. only happens when connecting to a bridge (or multicast as well)?
2. any bridge or a particular bridge?
3. VideoConsumerService is the only video service running on that  
4. no defunct vic or service processes hanging around from previous  
sessions (including openoffice processes after a previous  

With regard to point 4., there is now an "agkill" script included in  
the Ubuntu AG-3.1beta2 package which looks for orphaned python  
processes and removes them, freeing up ports they were holding on to  
(and which don't always show up in netstat's output). Although it  
targets python processes, it can be used for other processes too e.g.
	agkill ffice
will remove processes spawned by OpenOffice which have been orphaned.

In general passing some text as an argument to agkill will look for  
the same text in the output of 'ps -alx'. If a process is found which  
includes that text and it has been orphaned (owned by init rather  
than the user who originally ran it), then that process is removed.  
More details in /usr/bin/agkill itself (its just a very simple shell  

BTW, exit any running VenueClient before running agkill


> On Oct 11, 2007, at 9:11 PM, Nathan Gardiner wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> Is anyone experiencing bridging problems with AG 3.1beta2 in  
>> WindowsXP? After updating my client on the desktop, the bridge  
>> server I use allowed me to see audio participants in RAT but there  
>> were no video feeds at all in either video window. I then updated  
>> the bridge server that we use to beta2 but still the same.
>> I then installed AG 3.1beta1 on another machine and tested it with  
>> the updated AG 3.1beta2 bridge server and it worked fine.
>> Any ideas what may be causing this?
>> Kind regards,
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> ----
>> Nathan Gardiner
>> Human Interface Technology Lab NZ (HIT Lab NZ)
>> Room 110, Old Maths Building, University of Canterbury
>> DDI: +64 3 364 3072, Cell: +64 21 163 2956

Christoph Willing                       +61 7 3365 8350
QCIF Access Grid Manager
University of Queensland

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