[AG-TECH] Fading AG usage?

Thomas D. Uram turam at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Jan 4 14:56:02 CST 2007

Hi Derek:

 From my perspective, the user base has continued to grow.  I see this
in the number of software downloads and in the number of certificate 
(for AG2 users and for AG2 and AG3 Venue Servers), which I'm
frequently reminded of when I see new people show up in the AG3

I know of numerous projects that use the AG on a regular basis;
AGSchedule is a good indication of that activity, but yet incomplete
because some international collaborations schedule their meetings
by means other than AGSchedule.  I'm also aware of a number of
projects around the world that are planning large rollouts of the AG to
support their collaborations, in some cases with 10 or 15 sites, in other
cases across hundreds of sites.

In any case, the response of the user community should be telling.


On 1/4/07 1:25 PM, Derek Piper wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     I've been part of the AG community for a while now, nearly 3 years 
> and over that time I've not seen a lot of growth in the number of 
> sites that we interface with for AccessGrid meetings. Quite oppositely 
> I have seen sites that were good AG participants fall into 'disrepair' 
> through lack of funding and site expertise.
>     A bit of a devil's advocate question, but is AccessGrid usage 
> declining? Is AccessGrid on the way out? I've seen people turn to 
> things such as Polycom for meetings rather than have AccessGrid meetings.
>     I'm curious to learn of other points of view on this.
>     Derek

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