[AG-TECH] Access Grid Seminar - Fractional Dynamics

Lee Margetts Lee.Margetts at manchester.ac.uk
Sun May 21 19:06:34 CDT 2006

*** Apologies for Cross-posting ***

"Fractional Dynamics and Some of its Applications"

Professor J M Blackledge, Loughborough University

Friday, 26th May 2006, 1400 - 1500 British Summer Time (1300 - 1400 UTC)

ESNW Access Grid, Room 1.10, Kilburn Building

It is arguable that one of the greatest of Isaac Newton?s legacies was
his introduction of what later became known as the calculus because it
was through calculus that the laws of physics came to be cast in terms
of differential equations. These equations are based on derivatives in
space and time that are of integer order. Fractional dynamics is the
study of physical systems that can be cast in terms of solutions to
differential equations which are of fractional order to which the
fractional calculus can be applied. Such equations can be used to
describe a range of stochastic processes that do not conform to
conventional statistical models. They are finding increasing value in
modelling processes that are quasi-deterministic, i.e. neither fully
deterministic or fully stochastic, and as such, can be used to analyse
systems for which conventional statistical analysis is inadequate and
where deterministic models become intractable.

This seminar introduces the foundations of fractional dynamics and
focuses on the applications of the fractional diffusion equation when a
physical system is neither fully diffusive (the diffusion equation) or
fully ?propagative? (the propagation or wave equation).

Access Grid Information

Anyone wishing to view a seminar via Access Grid should note the following:

Virtual venue: University of Manchester (1.10)
Jabber room: uom1.10 at conference.mcs.anl.gov
IGPix: roberts.agsc.man.ac.uk/igpix/uom110

For technical assistance regarding the Access Grid, please contact support at agsc.ja.net

If possible, please let us know in advance if your site intends to join a seminar.

Further Information


Best regards

Dr Lee Margetts
Senior Consultant
High Performance Computing
University of Manchester


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