[AG-TECH] Community Advisory Board

Tom Uram turam at mcs.anl.gov
Tue May 24 21:15:07 CDT 2005

At the AG Retreat, we mentioned that a group had been formed to provide community input
into the Access Grid effort.  This group will help work on standardization of the APIs,
provide input to ANL/UC effort on issues of concern to the community, and act as a general
sounding board for the effort.  Members of the group are leaders in  the community and
represent the groups from around the world.  The goal is to give active, interested
parties a chance to provide input to the AG architecture and design process.  We'll refer
to this group as the Community Advisory Board.  Currently, the members of the group are:

Deb Agarwal, LBL
Patrick Bristow, Microsoft
Markus Buchhorn, ANU (Australia)
Brian Corrie, SFU
JongWon Kim, KJIST (Korea)
Ivan Judson, ANL
Susanne Lefvert, UC
Jim Miller, inSORS
Eric Olson, UC
Colin Perkins, UGlasgow
Tom Uram, ANL (Chair)

This focused group will work on advising development of the AG, maintaining
interoperability, ensuring stakeholders' concerns are addressed, etc.  I expect results
generated by this group to be made available publicly to inform the community.  Broader
(and possibly overlapping) development discussions will occur on the ag-dev mailing  list.

The board will maintain itself, adding and removing members based on their involvement and
level of activity.  The intention is that the board represent the community, and part of
its charge will be to ensure that it does so effectively over time.

If you would like to send mail to the collective group you can do so at cab at accessgrid.org.


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