[AG-TECH] From: 'Natalia Costas Lago' <natalia at cesga.es>

Natalia Costas Lago natalia at cesga.es
Mon May 3 09:07:49 CDT 2004

Hi Jason,

But... that means you need a two consoles KVM, otherwise how the presenter
and the node operator share 1 keyboard&mouse?

The second problem is that I've been looking for wireless keyboard&mouses
and it seems to me that the distance can't be longer than 4m but in
bluetooth devices. Is that correct?

Kind regards,

> Natalia,
> One solution could be a wireless keyboard and/or mouse. We are using a
> setup like that and have had some success with it. With the transmitter
>  sitting on top of the node, the presenter can control his/her slides
> without intervention from the node operator.
> You are correct that a laptop with a Venue Client and the Shared
> Presentation tool installed would work. But in some cases I have found
> presenters unwilling to have software installed on their laptops - plus
>  they arrive 30 minutes beofre a meeting and that's a crunch to get a
> minimal AG install completed.
> In some cases they are hesitant to move their presentation off of their
>  personal laptops which creates another can of worms, and VNC works
> well  for that. It's kind of circumventing the Shared tools, but in a
> crunch  it works.
> Hope this helps.
> -Jason
> Jason Hill
> jahill at scl.ameslab.gov
> Ames Laboratory, US DOE
> 310 Wilhelm Hall
> Ames, IA 50010
>>Hi all,
>>This is an easy question, we were wondering about, how in an event the
>>presenter would advance the PPT? The MS Office is installed in the
>>display machine but the person that gives the lecture doesn't have
>>access to it... so I suppose there must be... let say a laptop with AG
>>software and Power Point installed so he can click Next&Previous
>>buttons, am I wrong?
>>Natalia Costas Lago
>>mailto: natalia at cesga.es
>>Centro de Supercomputacion de Galicia (CESGA)
>>Avenida de Vigo, s/n Campus Sur
>>15705 Santiago de Compostela - SPAIN
>>Tel: +34  981 56 98 10
>>Fax: +34  981 59 46 16

Natalia Costas Lago
mailto: natalia at cesga.es

Centro de Supercomputacion de Galicia (CESGA)
Avenida de Vigo, s/n Campus Sur
15705 Santiago de Compostela - SPAIN
Tel: +34  981 56 98 10
Fax: +34  981 59 46 16

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