[AG-TECH] AG2.1.1 Venue Server Problems

Christoph Willing chris at vislab.usyd.edu.au
Tue Sep 9 02:32:38 CDT 2003

Darran Edmundson wrote:

>I tried for the first time today to run VenueServer.py.  It
>starts up fine but when trying to connect my venue client (same
>machine) via the https url on VenueServer startup, I get a 
>cryptic "cannot connect" message.  This is AG2.1.1b on 
>Windows 2000.  Otherwise AG is running fine.  Is there a
>trick I'm missing to starting one's own VenueServer?
>As always, any help is much appreciated.
Everytime this happens for me, its because I had the wrong port number 
(9000 instead of 8000).


Chris Willing                      Telephone   (61-2) 9351 3914
Sydney Vislab, K09                       
University of Sydney
NSW 2006 Australia                http://www.vislab.usyd.edu.au

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