[AG-TECH] Release Plans: Getting Ready for AGTk2.0 Final!

Ivan R. Judson judson at mcs.anl.gov
Wed May 7 11:38:22 CDT 2003


Release Candidate 1 is available and our final release date is approaching.
We're going to be releasing interim software packages between now and the
final release date. We *may* also release a Release Candidate 2, if there is
significant value to the users. There will be two interim software releases,
and possibly a RC2 package.

The interim software packages will not be release engineered to the same
degree that the official releases are, but they are available to those
interested in trying them. Support is available via ag-tech at mcs.anl.gov and
through the bugzilla system at http://bugzilla.mcs.anl.gov/accessgrid.



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