[AG-TECH] First Annual Access Grid Symposium on Beerology

Don Morton morton at cs.umt.edu
Mon Feb 4 14:21:10 CST 2002

Elda Rossi wrote:
> Dear Don,
> I'm sorry to admit that midnight is really too late to attend this
> symposium on Beerology.
> We would have been interested (also in doing some presentations) if the
> meeting were in the late afternoon, but not at midnight.
> So, CINECA will not partecipate in the symposium.
> Sorry again,
> Elda

Grazie, Elda :)

So, the reason we made it later is that we wanted to include the Aussie's
who had expressed interest.  My question for any interested Aussie folks
is, "how early is too early for you?"  I mean, would you be interested
in coming in around 3 a.m. Saturday for this (the assumption is that it
would be the end of a long Friday night rather than an "early" Saturday
morning) :)  Still, I don't think it's possible to move this any earlier
than 18:00 Central Europe time......

Clearly, as others have pointed out, this time zone issue is one of the prime
limiting factors in international AG collaboration.


Don Morton                   http://MRoCCS.cs.umt.edu/~morton/
Department of Computer Science       The University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59812 | Voice (406) 243-4975 | Fax (406) 243-5139

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