Event Server

Robert Olson olson at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Jul 26 15:59:21 CDT 2000

Hello and welcome!

Have you seen the VV instructions at


They discuss the various bits of things that need to be run to have all the 
parts hang together. Let me know if you have more questions.

This is just the right place to send this sort of mail.


At 03:37 PM 7/26/2000 -0500, Patrick Toomey wrote:
>     I just recently got Motorola Labs' node up and running.  The only
>problem I am having is with the event server. It is my impression that
>the event server running on the display machine is supposed to activate
>the waiting audio/video capture machines once you join a room, such as
>Lucky Labrador.  When I join a room I have to start the audio and video
>capture machine sepearately.  If anyone might provide some assistance I
>would appreciat it.  Also, this is my first post to the ag-tech
>mailinglist.  If there is a different list where this question is more
>appropriate just let me know.  Thanks in advance.
>Patrick Toomey
>Motorola Labs

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