UKY script--draft #1 ... Comments from Nestor

Robert Olson olson at
Tue Aug 17 11:27:06 CDT 1999

>But it does allow the remote  user complete screen control
>independent of platform of the viewer and presenter. I'm sure everyone
>knows about this, but thought I would add my 2 cents.

I've actually got some technical solutions to this in mind, that work if 
the original presentation is in ppt. One can make powerpoint export a slide 
as a bitmap/jpeg at an arbitrary resolution, so given a presentation, one 
could export the whole thing as a series of images (including the 
transitions, I think). Then all we'd need is a simple viewer client that 
would show the images, and accept either local input for a master, or 
remote slide-change events for a client. This could be done via a shared 
web browser as well.

Just a SMOP ...

(simple matter of programming)


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