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One important site with bad (overdriven, off, unheard, distorted) audio Network. One sender/receiver pair not working properly in a multicast session Software. One misconfigured computer in a node. Hardware. A flaky microphone in a room, or a badly-terminated network cable. People. One site that has nobody in the room that knows anything about the node. .QZlZQl  Robust FailureEliminating brittle failures is a design goal System should fail gracefully This is hard. But it is a design goal for the AG2 project.$T/" SimplicityIt may not seem like it, but an AG node is an understandable device Small number of basic functions: Send audio from room to network Send audio from network to room Send video from room to network Show video from network to room 2ee#Simplicity, cont.Audio appears complex, but is made up of distinct components EC device + microphones + speakers Audio capture hardware Audio capture software Each can be understood separately Understanding role of each can lead to insights in problem solving6=Qe=Qe$Breaking up the problemProblem: One site sounds bad. Potential reasons: Network is lossy Sending computer is overloaded Receiving computer is overloaded Sender s audio gear is misconfigured Receiver s audio gear is misconfigured &11><W%Eliminating possibilities Is the network bad? Does everyone hear the same bad audio? Check the rat reception monitor. Does it show green for traffic from the problem site to the local site? Is the sending computer overloaded? Ask them! See what the CPU utilization on the audio machine is. bHH$BHH$ B(Eliminating possibilities Is the receiving computer overloaded? Have a look! See what the CPU utilization on the audio machine is. Sender s audio gear is misconfigured? Does everyone hear the problem? Does the badness sound familiar? L&D&B&D&B D) Eliminating possibilities, cont.Receiver audio gear misconfigured? Is anyone else having the problem? Do I only hear the problem from one site? Can I play an MP3 and have it come out okay? Check the configuration on the node; everything in all the right places?6#zI#zI !Troubleshooting RecommendationsVBecome familiar with your node. Read all the documentation that s out there. Read the fine manuals (to your echo cancellation gear, to your microphones, to your cameras). You might pick up some lingo or learn new capabilities of the system Test it out. Press all the buttons, wiggle all the knobs. * Z Z & Experiment!Don t be afraid! (Learn how to save and restore EC configurations) Experiment with the audio system; play with the echo canceller control app See what happens when you drive the gains up on the microphones. Install the PIG software on your laptop, listen in while you experiment. Try to recreate known-bad configurations and see what they sound like, and what they look like in the software.  *Experiment, cont.rTune up your node: Put the EC console up on the projectors Wander around the node and tweak the audio for best performance. Fire up the UCL reflector and sing a round with yourself Hook up a telephone and play with telco bridging. AG prank calls to your friends. Trace the wires to see where they go Not really any black magic, just that which is inside the EC hardwareBZiZZi'Network problemsThese can be difficult to trace Determine the following information: Sender IP address (click on the source in rat or vic) Receiver IP address Multicast group Detailed information on manifestation of problem Send these to your local network folks ad to multicast-support@accessgrid.org You do know, by now, who they are, right? Give them a tour if they haven t seen the AG yetXEZZZE,v `+Network, cont. Other things to do ahead of time Run a beacon Check the beacon matrix if you are having problems to see if it shows up there Leave a PIG session up on your meeting so you can monitor it periodically. Learn to use MSB and Quickbridge to bridge around broken multicast.6!\!\ #,SoftwareBadly-configured software can just not work Pieces of the distributed system cannot find each other Happens fairly often Laptops that move from network to network A network renumbering On the display computer, multiple eventsrv.exe processes runningN,M@A,M@A -Futures& 'Design goal for AG2.x: individual components must remain as independent as possible, and fail robustly where possible Richer AG2.x software environment allows the extraction of higher-level abstractions Greater elegance System becomes much easier to understand Development becomes easier as well*]]. Questions?You may have thought this was a gory details discussion of troubleshooting topics& & but it wasn t as the area is just too big to what people really need to know. Now s the time for questions with gory details.K ` 33PP` 3333` ___MMM` 13` 333fpKNāvI` j@v۩ῑ΂H` Q_{>?" dd@,t?" dd@  @` n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` ` p>> (     6 "`0  c/Click to edit Master title style with two lines0 0$   0x "`p  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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