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Security: General goals Identification of users and services Authentication of the identity of these users and services Authorization for access to resources Privacy of data (files, streams, control, etc.) Public Key Infrastructure provides standards and mechanisms to fulfill these needs \ - | Security: IdentificationUsers and services identified with a public key identity certificate issued by a trusted certificate authority An identity certificate contains: Information about the subject of the certificate A public key representing the subject The digital signature of the CA issuing the certJ0" Identity CertificatesFor example, a Globus identity certificate: % openssl x509 -noout -text -in ~/.globus/usercert.pem Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 6060 (0x17ac) Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=US, O=Globus, CN=Globus Certification Authority Validity Not Before: Jan 7 20:22:19 2002 GMT Not After : Jan 7 20:22:19 2003 GMT Subject: O=Grid, O=Globus, OU=mcs.anl.gov, CN=Bob Olson Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (1024 bit) Modulus (1024 bit): 00:cd:7d:bb:ae:30:bb:c1:74:2d:e4:6e:d4:30:6e: [etc] Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: Netscape Cert Type: SSL Client, SSL Server Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption 23:14:96:05:0d:db:ce:aa:70:17:03:5a:07:31:a0:81:e3:10: [etc]4,ZZ,C :QW* Security: AuthenticationAssumptions: Authentication takes place on a transaction between a client and a server Client and server each hold an identity cert Authentication is mutual: After completion, client and server have verified identity of the other party Secured communications in AG2 use Globus& & which uses SSL/TLS SSL/TLS defines protocol for a secure handshake with mutual authentication.H  PbSecurity: AuthorizationZAuthorization is the process of gating access to a resource based on some criteria. Many different approaches, few standards. Access control lists Role-based authorization Attribute certificates AG2 approach: provide building blocks for applications to define authorization. Reference implementation uses a basic role-based authentication scheme.H~E3CESecurity: Privacy^Usually what people think when they think security Straightforward, once authentication and authorization issues overcome Globus Security Infrastructure uses SSL/TLS mechanisms for privacy Typically, symmetric encryption with session keys negotiated at session startup. Media data uses AES encryption with session keys distributed by secure channels.zlGlobus Toolkit"! [Slides borrowed from Globus tutorial]& A software toolkit addressing key technical problems in the development of Grid enabled tools, services, and applications Offer a modular  bag of technologies Enable incremental development of grid-enabled tools and applications Implement standard Grid protocols and APIs Make available under liberal open source license:zz- General ApproachDefine Grid protocols & APIs Protocol-mediated access to remote resources Integrate and extend existing standards  On the Grid = speak  Intergrid protocols Develop a reference implementation Open source Globus Toolkit Client and server SDKs, services, tools, etc. Grid-enable wide variety of tools Globus Toolkit, FTP, SSH, Condor, SRB, MPI, & Learn through deployment and applicationsZZ#ZIZ"Z.Z*Z#I".* Four Key ProtocolsvThe Globus Toolkit"! centers around four key protocols Connectivity layer: Security: Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) Resource layer: Resource Management: Grid Resource Allocation Management (GRAM) Information Services: Grid Resource Information Protocol (GRIP) Data Transfer: Grid File Transfer Protocol (GridFTP)6-6%  -   ,   ( 3Three Types of API/SDKPortability and convenience API/SDKs API/SDKs implementing the four key Connectivity and Resource layer protocols Collective layer API/SDKs This tutorial focuses primarily on the functionality available in #2 and #3 Developer tutorial included in depth API discussions of all three,lPortability and Convenience APIglobus_common Module activation/deactivation Threads, mutual exclusion, conditions Callback/event driver Libc wrappers Convenience modules (list, hash, etc).&$c1Connectivity APIsKglobus_io TCP, UDP, IP multicast, and file I/O Integrates GSI security Asynchronous and synchronous interfaces Attribute based control of behavior Nexus (Deprecated) Higher level, active message style comms Built on globus_io, but without security MPICH-G2 High level, MPI (send/receive) interface Built on globus_io and native MPI R K R K  ~ RX.509 Proxy CertificatexDefines how a short term, restricted credential can be created from a normal, long-term X.509 credential A  proxy certificate is a special type of X.509 certificate that is signed by the normal end entity cert, or by another proxy Supports single sign-on & delegation through  impersonation Currently an IETF draft&ii User ProxiesMinimize exposure of user s private key A temporary, X.509 proxy credential for use by our computations We call this a user proxy certificate Allows process to act on behalf of user User-signed user proxy cert stored in local file Created via  grid-proxy-init command Proxy s private key is not encrypted Rely on file system security, proxy certificate file must be readable only by the ownerhhZZ%ZXZh%F DelegationRemote creation of a user proxy Results in a new private key and X.509 proxy certificate, signed by the original key Allows remote process to act on behalf of the user Avoids sending passwords or private keys across the network Practical security issuesRIn AG2.0 Alpha, each user must have an identity certificate Obtained from Globus CA or AG developers CA Alternatives under consideration: NCSA MyProxy for online proxy store Username/password-based authentication with online CA Integration with Shibboleth or other single sign-on infrastructure 6,J?Other Technology RequirementsFRapid prototyping, low barrier to entry Python Modular design, standard network protocols SOAP Integration of the above with the Globus Toolkit pyGlobusf( + 1 (5E>PythonInterpreted, Object-oriented, High-level programming language With dynamic semantics Portable open source with a very active developer community (Windows + Linux + Mac + & ) Comprehensive standard library Integration with foreign code in C/C++  pyGlobus Python COG (Community ??? Grid) kit Developed at Berkeley Laboratory Provides complete binding of Globus API to Python, via a SWIG interface Provides the basis for secure communications in Python b] SOAP Standard web services protocol Provides remote procedure call functionality Standard XML-based message format Interface libraries available in multiple languages (Still some interoperability issues, but these are being resolved in the community)  Communication Layering AGTk Application ServicesThe Access Grid Toolkit is extensible by the addition of third-party services May rely on AGTk services for internal communication or be entirely self-sufficient Use the Venue as a means of coordination Application Services + Application Clients Distributed Application integrated with AG Examples covered Shared web browser Distributed presentation Z/ZZ-ZZ/,Z A Shared Web BrowserApplication task: Web browsing All users see the same page The Venue serves as a rendezvous mechanism Application state: webpage URL State is distributed; that is, there is no central server maintaining the state With each state change, an event is distributed to all interested clients  y!Venue requirementsHolds application descriptor Notifies the Venue clients that a shared web browsing session exists Defines the event type used for the shared session Distribution mechanism for events Venue defines API for registration for and generation of events rx"@x"@"Application logic[Pull the logic out of the prototype shared web browser, with example of the key parts of the code] [Do we describe the API currently used for venue events?] #Distributed Presentation'Application task: coordinated display of presentation material (PowerPoint is a common example, but would like to generalize) Application state A presentation (set of slides / images / pages) Current location within the presentation A presenter has control of progress through the presentation l + 2$ Distributed Presentation ServiceHolds state (presentation, location, presenter) Distributes state update events Enforces presenter-only generation of location updates Supports late-comers 6 $o $o% Venue responsibilitiesyDiscovery mechanism for clients to find presentation service Event distribution mechanism Centralized secure file storage&!Presentation Service /  ` ̙33` 3` 3333f` 999MMM` f` f3` 3>?" dd@$ h?" dd@ 3  h 33@ ` W"  n?" dd@   @@``PR    @ ` `(p>>   Z(     Zogֳgֳ ?"0  T Click to edit Master title style! !H  Tqgֳgֳ ?"0p  RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     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Security: General goals Identification of users and services Authentication of the identity of these users and services Authorization for access to resources Privacy of data (files, streams, control, etc.) Public Key Infrastructure provides standards and mechanisms to fulfill these needs \ - | Security: IdentificationUsers and services identified with a public key identity certificate issued by a trusted certificate authority An identity certificate contains: Information about the subject of the certificate A public key representing the subject The digital signature of the CA issuing the certJ0" Identity CertificatesFor example, a Globus identity certificate: % openssl x509 -noout -text -in ~/.globus/usercert.pem Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 6060 (0x17ac) Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=US, O=Globus, CN=Globus Certification Authority Validity Not Before: Jan 7 20:22:19 2002 GMT Not After : Jan 7 20:22:19 2003 GMT Subject: O=Grid, O=Globus, OU=mcs.anl.gov, CN=Bob Olson Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (1024 bit) Modulus (1024 bit): 00:cd:7d:bb:ae:30:bb:c1:74:2d:e4:6e:d4:30:6e: [etc] Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: Netscape Cert Type: SSL Client, SSL Server Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption 23:14:96:05:0d:db:ce:aa:70:17:03:5a:07:31:a0:81:e3:10: [etc]4,ZZ,C :QW* Security: AuthenticationAssumptions: Authentication takes place on a transaction between a client and a server Client and server each hold an identity cert Authentication is mutual: After completion, client and server have verified identity of the other party Secured communications in AG2 use Globus& & which uses SSL/TLS SSL/TLS defines protocol for a secure handshake with mutual authentication.H  PbSecurity: AuthorizationZAuthorization is the process of gating access to a resource based on some criteria. Many different approaches, few standards. Access control lists Role-based authorization Attribute certificates AG2 approach: provide building blocks for applications to define authorization. Reference implementation uses a basic role-based authentication scheme.H~E3CESecurity: Privacy^Usually what people think when they think security Straightforward, once authentication and authorization issues overcome Globus Security Infrastructure uses SSL/TLS mechanisms for privacy Typically, symmetric encryption with session keys negotiated at session startup. Media data uses AES encryption with session keys distributed by secure channels.zlGlobus Toolkit"! [Slides borrowed from Globus tutorial]& A software toolkit addressing key technical problems in the development of Grid enabled tools, services, and applications Offer a modular  bag of technologies Enable incremental development of grid-enabled tools and applications Implement standard Grid protocols and APIs Make available under liberal open source license:zz- General ApproachDefine Grid protocols & APIs Protocol-mediated access to remote resources Integrate and extend existing standards  On the Grid = speak  Intergrid protocols Develop a reference implementation Open source Globus Toolkit Client and server SDKs, services, tools, etc. Grid-enable wide variety of tools Globus Toolkit, FTP, SSH, Condor, SRB, MPI, & Learn through deployment and applicationsZZ#ZIZ"Z.Z*Z#I".* Four Key ProtocolsvThe Globus Toolkit"! centers around four key protocols Connectivity layer: Security: Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) Resource layer: Resource Management: Grid Resource Allocation Management (GRAM) Information Services: Grid Resource Information Protocol (GRIP) Data Transfer: Grid File Transfer Protocol (GridFTP)6-6%  -   ,   ( 3Three Types of API/SDKPortability and convenience API/SDKs API/SDKs implementing the four key Connectivity and Resource layer protocols Collective layer API/SDKs This tutorial focuses primarily on the functionality available in #2 and #3 Developer tutorial included in depth API discussions of all three,lPortability and Convenience APIglobus_common Module activation/deactivation Threads, mutual exclusion, conditions Callback/event driver Libc wrappers Convenience modules (list, hash, etc).&$c1Connectivity APIsKglobus_io TCP, UDP, IP multicast, and file I/O Integrates GSI security Asynchronous and synchronous interfaces Attribute based control of behavior Nexus (Deprecated) Higher level, active message style comms Built on globus_io, but without security MPICH-G2 High level, MPI (send/receive) interface Built on globus_io and native MPI R K   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~     =!"$%&'()*+,-./01234567k<>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdef#ij lmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}Root EntrydO)P=Twh Pictures'Current User-/SummaryInformation(PowerPoint Document(WWDocumentSummaryInformation8d( / 0DTimes New Roman4d 0 & 0DArialNew Roman4d 0 & 0" DTimesNew Roman4d 0 & 0 0DGill Sans MTan4d 0 & 0"@DCourier Newan4d 0 & 01PDMonotype Sorts4d 0 & 0`DSymbole Sorts4d 0 & 0c0.  @n?" dd@  @@`` h,#        !"#$%O$R$Pފ+{pwS Db$PU6G2_6"5 Db$({XKⲴ-y 0AAPf@8uʚ;2Nʚ;g4PdPdd 02ppp@ <4!d!dg? 0`5<4ddddg? 0`5<4BdBdg? 0`5 f^___PPT9@8 ? %O =EAccess Grid Technology Overview $   Technological GoalsUtilize existing technology (protocols, tools, software) wherever possible Enable comprehensive security Low barrier of entry to & New developers Rapid development Adding third-party extensions 6??  Security: General goals Identification of users and services Authentication of the identity of these users and services Authorization for access to resources Privacy of data (files, streams, control, etc.) Public Key Infrastructure provides standards and mechanisms to fulfill these needs \ - | Security: IdentificationUsers and services identified with a public key identity certificate issued by a trusted certificate authority An identity certificate contains: Information about the subject of the certificate A public key representing the subject The digital signature of the CA issuing the certJ0" Identity CertificatesFor example, a Globus identity certificate: % openssl x509 -noout -text -in ~/.globus/usercert.pem Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2) Serial Number: 6060 (0x17ac) Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption Issuer: C=US, O=Globus, CN=Globus Certification Authority Validity Not Before: Jan 7 20:22:19 2002 GMT Not After : Jan 7 20:22:19 2003 GMT Subject: O=Grid, O=Globus, OU=mcs.anl.gov, CN=Bob Olson Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (1024 bit) Modulus (1024 bit): 00:cd:7d:bb:ae:30:bb:c1:74:2d:e4:6e:d4:30:6e: [etc] Exponent: 65537 (0x10001) X509v3 extensions: Netscape Cert Type: SSL Client, SSL Server Signature Algorithm: md5WithRSAEncryption 23:14:96:05:0d:db:ce:aa:70:17:03:5a:07:31:a0:81:e3:10: [etc]4,ZZ,C :QW* Security: AuthenticationAssumptions: Authentication takes place on a transaction between a client and a server Client and server each hold an identity cert Authentication is mutual: After completion, client and server have verified identity of the other party Secured communications in AG2 use Globus& & which uses SSL/TLS SSL/TLS defines protocol for a secure handshake with mutual authentication.H  PbSecurity: AuthorizationZAuthorization is the process of gating access to a resource based on some criteria. Many different approaches, few standards. Access control lists Role-based authorization Attribute certificates AG2 approach: provide building blocks for applications to define authorization. Reference implementation uses a basic role-based authentication scheme.H~E3CESecurity: Privacy^Usually what people think when they think security Straightforward, once authentication and authorization issues overcome Globus Security Infrastructure uses SSL/TLS mechanisms for privacy Typically, symmetric encryption with session keys negotiated at session startup. Media data uses AES encryption with session keys distributed by secure channels.zlGlobus Toolkit"! [Slides borrowed from Globus tutorial]& A software toolkit addressing key technical problems in the development of Grid enabled tools, services, and applications Offer a modular  bag of technologies Enable incremental development of grid-enabled tools and applications Implement standard Grid protocols and APIs Make available under liberal open source license:zz- General ApproachDefine Grid protocols & APIs Protocol-mediated access to remote resources Integrate and extend existing standards  On the Grid = speak  Intergrid protocols Develop a reference implementation Open source Globus Toolkit Client and server SDKs, services, tools, etc. Grid-enable wide variety of tools Globus Toolkit, FTP, SSH, Condor, SRB, MPI, & Learn through deployment and applicationsZZ#ZIZ"Z.Z*Z#I".* Four Key ProtocolsvThe Globus Toolkit"! centers around four key protocols Connectivity layer: Security: Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) Resource layer: Resource Management: Grid Resource Allocation Management (GRAM) Information Services: Grid Resource Information Protocol (GRIP) Data Transfer: Grid File Transfer Protocol (GridFTP)6-6%  -   ,   ( 3Three Types of API/SDKPortability and convenience API/SDKs API/SDKs implementing the four key Connectivity and Resource layer protocols Collective layer API/SDKs This tutorial focuses primarily on the functionality available in #2 and #3 Developer tutorial included in depth API discussions of all three,lPortability and Convenience APIglobus_common Module activation/deactivation Threads, mutual exclusion, conditions Callback/event driver Libc wrappers Convenience modules (list, hash, etc).&$c1Connectivity APIsKglobus_io TCP, UDP, IP multicast, and file I/O Integrates GSI security Asynchronous and synchronous interfaces Attribute based control of behavior Nexus (Deprecated) Higher level, active message style comms Built on globus_io, but without security MPICH-G2 High level, MPI (send/receive) interface Built on globus_io and native MPI R K R K  ~ RX.509 Proxy CertificatexDefines how a short term, restricted credential can be created from a normal, long-term X.509 credential A  proxy certificate is a special type of X.509 certificate that is signed by the normal end entity cert, or by another proxy Supports single sign-on & delegation through  impersonation Currently an IETF draft&ii User ProxiesMinimize exposure of user s private key A temporary, X.509 proxy credential for use by our computations We call this a user proxy certificate Allows process to act on behalf of user User-signed user proxy cert stored in local file Created via  grid-proxy-init command Proxy s private key is not encrypted Rely on file system security, proxy certificate file must be readable only by the ownerhhZZ%ZXZh%F DelegationRemote creation of a user proxy Results in a new private key and X.509 proxy certificate, signed by the original key Allows remote process to act on behalf of the user Avoids sending passwords or private keys across the network Practical security issuesRIn AG2.0 Alpha, each user must have an identity certificate Obtained from Globus CA or AG developers CA Alternatives under consideration: NCSA MyProxy for online proxy store Username/password-based authentication with online CA Integration with Shibboleth or other single sign-on infrastructure 6,J?Other Technology RequirementsFRapid prototyping, low barrier to entry Python Modular design, standard network protocols SOAP Integration of the above with the Globus Toolkit pyGlobusf( + 1 (5E>PythonInterpreted, Object-oriented, High-level programming language With dynamic semantics Portable open source with a very active developer community (Windows + Linux + Mac + & ) Comprehensive standard library Integration with foreign code in C/C++  pyGlobus Python COG (Community ??? Grid) kit Developed at Berkeley Laboratory Provides complete binding of Globus API to Python, via a SWIG interface Provides the basis for secure communications in Python b] SOAP Standard web services protocol Provides remote procedure call functionality Standard XML-based message format Interface libraries available in multiple languages (Still some interoperability issues, but these are being resolved in the community)  Communication Layering AGTk Application ServicesThe Access Grid Toolkit is extensible by the addition of third-party services May rely on AGTk services for internal communication or be entirely self-sufficient Use the Venue as a means of coordination Application Services + Application Clients Distributed Application integrated with AG Examples covered Shared web browser Distributed presentation Z/ZZ-ZZ/,Z A Shared Web BrowserApplication task: Web browsing All users see the same page The Venue serves as a rendezvous mechanism Application state: webpage URL State is distributed; that is, there is no central server maintaining the state With each state change, an event is distributed to all interested clients  y!Venue requirementsHolds application descriptor Notifies the Venue clients that a shared web browsing session exists Defines the event type used for the shared session Distribution mechanism for events Venue defines API for registration for and generation of events rx"@x"@"Application logic[Pull the logic out of the prototype shared web browser, with example of the key parts of the code] [Do we describe the API currently used for venue events?] #Distributed Presentation'Application task: coordinated display of presentation material (PowerPoint is a common example, but would like to generalize) Application state A presentation (set of slides / images / pages) Current location within the presentation A presenter has control of progress through the presentation l + 2$ Distributed Presentation ServiceHolds state (presentation, location, presenter) Distributes state update events Enforces presenter-only generation of location updates Supports late-comers 6 $o $o% Venue responsibilitiesyDiscovery mechanism for clients to find presentation service Event distribution mechanism Centralized secure file storage&!Presentation ServiceSupports multiple active (or pending) presentations Presentation factory: Given a presentation file, create a new presentation session (psession) for the file. A psession maintains membership and access control for an individual presentation. @4@c, I/  0$(  r  S cF 0  F r  S T1F 0p F H  0޽h ? ̙333  P$(  r  S rAccess Grid Technology Overview  %  % !.&0P--- !---&  h--"System !)Bw-&TNPP &Ѣ՜.+,04R K  ~ RX.509 Proxy CertificatexDefines how a short term, restricted credential can be created from a normal, long-term X.509 credential A  proxy certificate is a special type of X.509 certificate that is signed by the normal end entity cert, or by another proxy Supports single sign-on & delegation through  impersonation Currently an IETF draft&ii User ProxiesMinimize exposure of user s private key A temporary, X.509 proxy credential for use by our computations We call this a user proxy certificate Allows process to act on behalf of user User-signed user proxy cert stored in local file Created via  grid-proxy-init command Proxy s private key is not encrypted Rely on file system security, proxy certificate file must be readable only by the ownerhhZZ%ZXZh%F DelegationRemote creation of a user proxy Results in a new private key and X.509 proxy certificate, signed by the original key Allows remote process to act on behalf of the user Avoids sending passwords or private keys across the network Practical security issuesRIn AG2.0 Alpha, each user must have an identity certificate Obtained from Globus CA or AG developers CA Alternatives under consideration: NCSA MyProxy for online proxy store Username/password-based authentication with online CA Integration with Shibboleth or other single sign-on infrastructure 6,J?Other Technology RequirementsFRapid prototyping, low barrier to entry Python Modular design, standard network protocols SOAP Integration of the above with the Globus Toolkit pyGlobusf( + 1 (5E>PythonInterpreted, Object-oriented, High-level programming language With dynamic semantics Portable open source with a very active developer community (Windows + Linux + Mac + & ) Comprehensive standard library Integration with foreign code in C/C++  pyGlobus Python COG (Community ??? Grid) kit Developed at Berkeley Laboratory Provides complete binding of Globus API to Python, via a SWIG interface Provides the basis for secure communications in Python b] SOAP Standard web services protocol Provides remote procedure call functionality Standard XML-based message format Interface libraries available in multiple languages (Still some interoperability issues, but these are being resolved in the community)  Communication Layering AGTk Application ServicesThe Access Grid Toolkit is extensible by the addition of third-party services May rely on AGTk services for internal communication or be entirely self-sufficient Use the Venue as a means of coordination Application Services + Application Clients Distributed Application integrated with AG Examples covered Shared web browser Distributed presentation Z/ZZ-ZZ/,Z A Shared Web BrowserApplication task: Web browsing All users see the same page The Venue serves as a rendezvous mechanism Application state: webpage URL State is distributed; that is, there is no central server maintaining the state With each state change, an event is distributed to all interested clients  y!Venue requirementsHolds application descriptor Notifies the Venue clients that a shared web browsing session exists Defines the event type used for the shared session Distribution mechanism for events Venue defines API for registration for and generation of events rx"@x"@"Application logic[Pull the logic out of the prototype shared web browser, with example of the key parts of the code] [Do we describe the API currently used for venue events?] #Distributed Presentation'Application task: coordinated display of presentation material (PowerPoint is a common example, but would like to generalize) Application state A presentation (set of slides / images / pages) Current location within the presentation A presenter has control of progress through the presentation l + 2$ Distributed Presentation ServiceHolds state (presentation, location, presenter) Distributes state update events Enforces presenter-only generation of location updates Supports late-comers6 $l $l'"Venue responsibilitiesyDiscovery mechanism for clients to find presentation service Event distribution mechanism Centralized secure file storage&!Presentation ServiceSupports multiple active (or pending) presentations Presentation factory: Given a presentation file, create a new presentation session (psession) for the file. A psession maintains membership and access control for an individual presentation. @4@c, I(#Venue interaction=In presentation service: service_descriptor = ServiceDescriptor(myURL, PresentationServiceID) Venue.RegisterService(service_descriptor) In psession [give current slide to latecomers, etc] In presenter app Venue.DistributeEvent(SlideChangeEvent(x)) In client Venue.RegisterEventHandler(SlideChangeEvent, handler) p ), 8pC  )G h +G h  8G h. B /  0$(  r  S cF 0  F r  S T1F 0p F H  0޽h ? ̙333  `$(  r  S XF 0  F r  S |`F 0p F H  0޽h ? ̙333  p$(  r  S F 0  F r  S Q{ 0p { H  0޽h ? ̙333r!$KQ' 7S#UW(