[this is *totally* a work in progress; please send suggestions/improvements to jtvh@bu.edu] *** Installing, configuring, and starting up AGTk alpha-02 on WindowsXP *** from http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/fl/research/accessgrid/software/software.html * install python 2.2 * install python 2.2 Win32 Extensions * install ActiveState Python 2.2 * install wxPython * install WinGlobus from http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/fl/research/accessgrid/software/2.0-alpha2/index.html * install AG Toolkit >From the start menu, run Globus Configuration * you'll get to a point where it'll want to know where your user certificate is. You can put it wherever you want if you point Globus in the right place to find it * the config UI will tell you your proxy certificate is missing; that's okay, just click "next" >From the start menu, run Globus Grid Proxy Init Open two command windows and in the directory where you installed AG2, run AGNodeService and AGServiceManager >From the start menu, run Node Manager In the Node Management GUI, select "Attach to Node" from the pull-down menu. When it asks you for an address, give it https://localhost:11000/NodeService In the Node Management GUI, select "Add Host" from the pull-down menu. When it asks you for an address, give it https://localhost:12000/ServiceManager You can then start adding services, from the pull-down menu. The services are named pretty intuitively. They might not show up immediately in the GUI after being added; also, the GUI says they're started when you add them, but they're not. Plus, you'll probably need to turn off encryption (in vic and rat, in the usual way) in order to connect with anybody else (encryption is turned on by default, but unless I'm mistaken there's some problem on the server end preventing it from working properly). >From the Start menu, run Venue Client. WARNING: the Venue Client often asks you for information in windows that may be minimized. Watch your Windows task bar carefully for them. The Venue Client should prompt you for a Venue Server address. Give it one, in the form of https://host:8000/VenueServer Once you connect to the Venue Server, the Venue Client GUI will appear Copyright c 2003 by Trustees of Boston University. Permission is hereby granted to use, reproduce, to redistribute copies to others, and prepare derivative works. Any use or publication of the material shall acknowledge the copyright of Trustees of Boston University in an appropriate manner which shall include the legend "c 2003 by Trustees of Boston University, includes materials developed by and/or derived from the Access Grid project (http://www.accessgrid.org)."