[AG-DEV] Running AG3 under SUSE 9.3 - SSL error

Michael Braitmaier braitmaier at hlrs.de
Wed May 3 09:13:28 CDT 2006

I am currently trying to get AG3 running under SUSE 9.3
I followed the instructions on the CVS section on www.accessgrid.org
and installed the appropriate dependencies. Then I used the CVS source 
tree to run AG3.
Unfortunatley I seem to be stuck with the VenueServer which always 
reports me an error related to ssl.
The client however is running and I am able to connect to an AG3 
VenueServer under Windows XP.

I created a anonymous certs for testing purpose of the AG3 .
I have to mention that I previously had AG2.4 installed on the SUSE 9.3 
machine which I removed with Yast.
I have attached the VenueServer.log hoping someone can help me.

Don't get confused by the reported different directories where 
AccessGrid reports to get its python files from
One of them ("E:\Daten...") is a mounted windows drive which I had 
unmounted for the test, so I don't think this is reliable output,
because otherwise I should have gotten an error about not finding the 
appropriate python module.


Dipl.-Inf. Michael Braitmaier
HLRS - Visualization / Video Conferencing
University of Stuttgart
Phone: ++49 711 685 65996
Fax  : ++49 711 682 357
Website: http://www.hlrs.de/people/braitmaier/

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