Status on 2.0

Susanne Lefvert lefvert at
Fri May 9 17:03:15 CDT 2003

Thanks for the feedback!!!

On Fri, 9 May 2003, Robert Olson wrote:

> >
> >- I am catching exceptions as they get added to the code, a small comment
> >in method's doc string would be very helpful to clearify which methods
> >raises what exception and why.
> Oh, good plan. (although that won't necessarily be all of the exceptions 
> that *could* be raised).

Right, I have to dig into the code to find out what exceptions will be 
raised.  It still would be nice to know how I am suppose to handle the new 
exceptions and if I have comments in the doc sting I might not have to dig 
too deep into code I haven't looked at before to figure out what's going 

> >* Merge "Edit" and "My Node" menu items into one called "Preferences"
> that seems to work.
> >* Make twist buttons show up in the tree on Windows
> it seems a little strange to have each of the toplevel things be a folder 
> icon, as that implies "file" to me.

Ivan reacted on this too and 2 votes agains one probably means that I 
have to change :0(

> >* Exits take up too much space.
> >Need to figure out a solution to this and I would like more feedback from 
> >users before I change to
> >something else. One thought is to add exits to the menu instead of having 
> >them in the actual window.
> That seems too far out of the way to me. I was thinking under the list of 
> stuff in the room, but then they might conflict with the dock. hmm. 

That is a good idea, and then later if we decide to do tabs we can have a 
tab for exits too. I'll wait for more votes before I change this one. So 
far, 2 votes for exits in the tree...By the way, why would this conflict 
with the dock? 

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