Status on 2.0

Ivan R. Judson judson at
Fri May 9 13:44:02 CDT 2003

We're planning on freezing code next Friday.

What's the current status on these items:

- Node Management Robustness
- Multiple Machine Documents (& software?)
- Node Management Reliability
- Node Management Usability

- Sequence Diagrams (for enter/exit)
- Venue Client Reliability
	- Exception Handling
- Venue Client Usability
	- UI Improvements

- More unit tests
- Debugging/Robustifying

- Certificate Management
- Initialization Issues
- Robustifying Linux PersonalNode
- Reliability for Linux PersonalNode

My Status is:

- Exceptions added to Event/Text Client
- minor change to venueserver for better output (usability improvement)

My Priorities:
- Exceptions/Locking 
	(Enter/Exit/Disconnects *have* to work, other things *should* work)
- Authorization
- Documenting Code with meaningful comments/doc strings
	(we should all be adding this content and commenting any conditions
	are not being handled so we can address them next week.)

Unassigned Priorities:

- Linux Daemons [Ti?]
- Programmatic Version Interface [??]
- Win32 Services [Ivan]
- Move TextClient/Data Store to VenueClient base class [Ivan]
- use select for TextClient/EventClient to avoid terminal exception  [Ivan]
- application/service packaging/installation [??]


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